Sunday, November 30, 2008

What Pain In Life So Far Could You Have Done Without

From a young age, pain and suffering are things that we all do not wish for. A bee sting is never fun, taunting words from an older sibling are always unwanted. As we grow, pain becomes more emotionally threatening and damaging; the loss of a loved one, the heartache caused by a first love. Pain is not a thing anyone prefers to experience. But without pain, we do not learn. If we were to receive everything in life we wanted, never enduring an agonizing moment, how would we lead our lives? Without pain, tragedy, failure, we know no bravery. The moment we feel pain, physically or emotionally, we make note of how to avoid or repair it for the future.

If we regret all the bad that has made trouble in our lives, how do we learn? How will we be able to mend the broken in our lives if we cannot accept the inevitable?

Everyone feels pain at one point or another in his or her lifetime; it’s something that teaches us to be the people we truly are.

Pain is something that goes along with life, with living. Wishing to go through life without experiencing any type of pain isn't logical or realistic. Ignoring pain that is induced from whatever source is foolish; it will catch up with you in the end.

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